Monday, June 23, 2014

A Dino Day in Malta

The area surrounding Malta is very rich in history...of the prehistoric kind! This area was once home to many species of DINOSAURS!! In fact the world's first and only mummy dinosaur was discovered right here in our county. Read all about Leonardo the Mummy Dinosaur here

Malta is also home to a dinosaur museum, The Great Plains Dinosaur Museum. The museum is a chance to see history in action and maybe even help dig up a dinosaur!!

The best part of the museum is the new outdoor kids are huge fans!! It takes both of their parents playing defense to keep my two busy-bodies from climbing all over them, which is a big no-no! We want these critters to last a long time so no climbing please!

Also be sure to check out the Phillips County Museum and their dino display (a huge T Rex)!!!

Welcome to the Great Plains Museum and the Phillips County Museum!

He seems to be saying "hello"! :)

My favorite, a purple stegosaurus!!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Welcome to my home

Welcome to my blog. A lot of people believe that where they live is the best place to live...I think I may have them all beat. Welcome to a little piece of utopia in north central Montana. I would like to share images, events and stories of why living in Big Sky Country is really the best.

First and foremost, let me say, I am a native Montanan. I grew up a short distance away from this town I call home now. I must really like the cold, snowy winters and the hot, mosquito-filled summers because I have left chasing dreams several times, but my path keeps leading me back right here.

I hope you enjoy my blog and my images. Remember I am not a professional photographer, it is more of a hobby and stress reliever. Welcome to My Malta Montana.